Our Approach


Where functional meets fit

We strive to take your fitness goals and not only turn them into accomplishments, but also into a healthy, habitual, and more functional way of life.


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    What is functional you ask? Functional means taking your fitness goals and using them to create practical and useful exercise patterns that can be applied to your everyday movements. We all want to be stronger, leaner, faster, better balanced beings; functional fitness is the way to go!

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    Every Day Life Achievements

    A few examples of how your fitness can be applied functionally to your daily life include: Improving specific sports performance. Reaching a new PR on a lift. Losing a few, or a lot of pounds. Running around with or lifting your grandkids. Having a safe, active lifestyle for as many years as possible.

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    What We Offer

    In order for your fitness to be functional, it should be intentional. That is where we come in! We provide an intimate, private setting for one-on-one personal training, where every exercise chosen is intended to improve your movement patterns. We want to discover what motivates you, so that you can benefit from most enjoyable, challenging, and productive experience as possible!

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    Try Us Out

    Start with a free initial consultation to get to know one another. We'll dig a little deeper into your goals, and any injuries or setbacks you may be dealing with, and then recommend a plan just for you. So schedule your free consultation today. Come on in and find out the difference we can make! We can’t wait to meet you.