Garnet's Story



Never Been a Fan

I never had positive interactions with personal trainers until I met Barry. Most took one look at me and decided I should be able to move mountains . . . without taking the time to learn anything about me, my health, or my own goals.

Saying Yes

Barry persuaded me to try training after a single consultation session. His obvious knowledge of physiology, anatomy, and his interest in my story gave me the confidence to say yes.

Beyond Progress

My initial goal was to “lose weight and get healthier”. No surprise there, and it actually happened. The surprise is that I’ve progressed from the guy that hates working out to now looking forward to every session. I’ve even acquired a gym buddy and we train together on our own. Good grief - - I sought out a gym on my last vacation. Never saw that coming!

Getting Stronger

Barry also challenged me with another goal – Get stronger. That was already happening, but now I’m invested in a targeted program to build strength. I’m reaping the rewards in my everyday life.

No Cookie Cutters

Barry is great at discovering just what motivates each of his clients. There is no cookie cutter approach. His technique is innovative, never boring, and, dare I say it, actually fun.

Best Decision

Saying “yes” to Barry was the best decision I've ever made. I’m a healthy, happier me with no end in sight.